Our Guides

Captain Garrett Bordson
Garrett was born and raised in South Dakota, and has been hunting waterfowl in South Dakota as soon as he could. Garrett is a professionally endorsed guide, leading individuals or groups on hunting and fishing expeditions. During which, he shares his passion for the outdoors and experiences as a hunter and fisherman. He guides wild turkey hunts in Nebraska in the late spring; leads fishing excursions in Minnesota and Alaska in the summer; and guides ring-necked pheasant hunts in South Dakota in the fall. Now, in the early spring, he guides snow goose hunts in South Dakota. Moreover, Garrett specializes in taxidermy of waterfowl and upland bird species in the off-season.

Captain Peyton Blanton
Bringing home trophies and making memories since 2007.
Outdoor Adrenaline
7050 Bargello St.
Englewood, FL 34224